Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Student is Back From Midterms!

Hey everyone!! Anticipating Valentine's Day?
We all just finished midterms this week so it'll be great to get some free time back. Now's the perfect time to catch up on reading (Catcher in the Rye, Pride and Prejudice) and sit back and relax...well, as much as one can in addition to homework and other things. I'm just ecstatic that finals are over because it's just an awesome feeling to get those off my back and I'm sure every student agrees! I might talk about some National Forensics League things, since Quals are fast approaching. By the way, I'm mostly a Public Forum debater so if anyone wants to for a discussion group online, along with the millions of other discussion groups, just let me know! Hopefully I can turn this into a book, entertainment, student life, and debate blog one day, but that will take sometime, so we'll see. Just wanted to let you all know that I, as well as many others, are thankfully still alice after those late-night study sessions for 1 1/2 weeks. Enjoy the rest of January; it's a great month, so don't let it slip through you fingers that fast!! More posts to follow soon!

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